martes, 20 de marzo de 2018

Do you think that technology can facilitate our daily tasks?

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Technology sometimes has a bad reputation for leading people down scary paths of sexting, identity theft, and introducing predators into their lives. However, technology can streamline schedules, simplify work and home businesses, coordinate activities, and much more.
Ultimately, technology can offer families a wide array of tools that can prevent blunders like the infamous birthday party snafu. 
Both groups could have reached out to each other by using technology. They could have easily located misplaced phone numbers, messaged the host, or sent private emails asking for compensation. The ill feelings and media storm could have easily been solved early on- instead they chose to demand and threaten legal action.
In today’s world, families are pulled in different directions far too often. It is important for parents to seek out ways to enrich bonds and relationships instead of everyone going their separate ways. Technology has the ability to be used to lessen stress and time consuming tasks that steal precious moments away from the family.

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